Shakhtakhty Poldasht Bridge
The first Customs Post was created in the Shakhtakhty settlement in 1940. Being under the Julfa custom-house this settlement had been liquidated at the time of the Soviet Union after being available nearly 10 years. After Azerbaijan had gained independence it made efforts to expand connections with Islamic Republic of Iran so it was necessary to restore Shakhtakhty Customs Post, therefore in compliance with protocol signed between Islamic Republic of Iran and Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic on different sphere cooperations on august 24, 1992 in Tehran the new bridge was constructed over the Araz. By national leader Heydar Aliyev's participation who was a chairman of the supreme Medjlis of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic at that time Shakhtakhty Poldasht Bridge was given to use on December 3, 1992. In compliance with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic dated on May 7, 1993 here was organized joint market. Observations showed that this type of trade organization hadn’t corresponded with “for the purpose of strengthen the guarding boundary of Azerbaijan Republic about affirming of addition rule and the regulations” the demands of the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic dated on March 9, 1993. Shakhtakhty Customs Post was created by corresponding decision of the Cabinet of Ministers dated on 22th of October in the same year for liquidating discrepancy marked and properly securing the forming of the customs service. Reconstructing of Shakhtakhty customs post had been implemented in compliance with the memorandum signed between Iran and Azerbaijan governments on giving status to Shakhtakhty Poldasht Bridge. Naturally
..implementing measures will create necessary conditions for increasing the issuance volume, expanding the commodity circulation and motion of the transport means in the international Customs Post. It will serve to increase the motion, expand the trade and economical connections and improve welfare circumstance between Nakhichevan and Iranian province ( Western Azerbaijan ) population.